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Mhatre, S., Bechthold, M., & Sayegh, A. “Deployable Kiriform Flexures“. Patent No. US20200231430, 2020 (Link )


Mhatre, S., Bechthold, M., & Sayegh, A. ‘ Deployable Kiriform Flexures. Patent No. WO2019018546, 2019.​







Dutto, A., Zanini, M., Jeoffroy, E., Tervoort, E., Mhatre, S. A., Seibold, Z. B., Bechthold, M., Studart, A. R., 3D Printing of Hierarchical Porous Ceramics for Thermal Insulation and Evaporative Cooling. Adv. Mater. Technol. 2022, 2201109.


Bechthold, M.†, Seibold, Z.† & Mhatre, S. ‘Post-tensioned ceramic structures: design, analysis and prototyping‘ Conference presentation at The International Conference on Structures and Architecture, ICSA 2022. (Received the best paper award out of 250 entries)


Bechthold, M.†, Seibold, Z.† & Mhatre, S. Post-tensioned ceramic structures: design, analysis and prototyping. Archit. Struct. Constr. (2022). (Paper)


Mhatre, S.†, Fernandes, M.†, Forte, A., Zhao, B., Mesa, O., Weaver, J.,Bechthold, M., and Bertoldi, K. ‘Surface Texture Modulation via Buckling in Porous Inclined Mechanical Metamaterials‘ in Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2021. (Paper) (Front Cover)









Mhatre, S.†, Boatti, E.†, Melancon, D., Zareei, A., Dupont, M., Bechthold, M., Bertoldi, K., Deployable Structures Based on Buckling of Curved Beams Upon a Rotational Input. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 2101144. (Link) (Back Cover)









Ugarte, J.P, Mhatre, S., Norman, S., Bechthold, M. “Extruded Tessellations: A novel structural ceramic system at the intersection of industrial ceramic extrusion and CNC fabrication“. Proceeding of 24rd SIGraDi Conference – Transformative Design. Medellín, Colombia, Nov 18- 20, 2020 .(Paper)(Presentation)


Mhatre, S., Mesa, O., & Bechthold, M. “Woven Compliant Composites” in Proceedings of Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design (eCAADe): Anthropologic. T.U Berlin,Sept 16-17, 2020. ( Link ).(Presentation)


Mesa, O., Mhatre, S., & Aukes, D. “CREASE: Synchronous gait by minimizing actuation through folded geometry“. in International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC).2020.




Seibold, Z; Mhatre, S; Alhadidi, S; García del Castillo y López, J.L; Bechthold, M: “Janus Printing: Co-extrusion based Multi-material Additive Manufacturing for Ceramics” in Proceedings: of the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), 2019, Austin (TX).


Mesa, Olga, Mhatre, Saurabh, Singh, Malika and Aukes, Dan: “CREASE – Synchronized Gait Through Folded Geometry” in Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference (Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution) – Volume 3, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019, pp. 197-206




Seibold, Z; Hinz, K; Garcia del Castillo, J.L; Alonso, N.M; Mhatre, S; Bechthold, M: “Ceramic Morphologies: Precision and Control in Paste-Based Additive Manufacturing” in Proceedings of ACADIA Conference: Re/Calibration: On Imprecision and Infidelity,Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, 2018.




Boatti, E., Mhatre S., Dupont, M., Bechthold, M., Bertoldi K. Harnessing buckling of curved beams to design transformable architectures. Proceeding of the ASME  International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Tampa, FL, November 3-9, 2017.


Mesa, O., Mhatre, S., Grinham. J., Norman, S., Stavric, M., Sayegh, A., and Bechthold, M.: Non-Linear Matters: Auxetic Surfaces.  in Proceedings of ACADIA, 2017, pp. 392 – 403




3D Printing of Cementitious Composites 

WhitePaper/ Research Report


Constructing the Persuasive Portfolio by  Margaret Fletcher

Portfolio page published


Bechthold, M., Adriaenssens, S., Michalatos, P., Oxman, N., and Trummer, A.: “Structural Delights: Computation, Matter, and the Imagination“. in: Peters, S, and Trummer, A (Ed.) GAM.12 2016, “Structural Affairs”

Thesis Image Published 




British HCI '15: Proceedings of the 2015 British HCI Conference 


A new method for interacting with a physical form through dynamic replication.


British HCI '15: Proceedings of the 2015 British HCI Conference 


Sharing illumination the tangible way





Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2014 [RobArch]_Paper and Presentation

Objects of Rotation

An Opportunity-Driven Design Research Project Integrating the Traditional Craft Based Tools and Methods of Ceramic Wheel Throwing with the Digital Control and Automation Techniques of Robotics




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